Our purpose is to continue to build our school community's capability to achieve quality learner outcomes.
In determining our vision, we asked our school community the following questions:
What do we want our school to be?
What do we want to be as a staff?
What do we want our learners to be by the time they leave our school?
We then articulated our school's vision in terms of these desired learner outcomes referred to as 'The Sunshine 7'.
What we want for our learners determines what we do. We are an outcome-driven school.
Vision statement of desired outcomes
' The Sunshine Seven '
1. Competent, skilled learner
- Developed essential skills in Literacy, Numeracy and Information Communication Technology.
Able to self evaluate personal progress and contribute to the identification of learning needs.
Aware of personal learning styles, strengths and abilities.
2. Life-long learner
- Self-directed as a learner
- Self evaluates and takes responsibility for own personal improvement
- Loves learning and wants to achieve
- Continually seeks opportunities to learn, and sets goals to achieve and improve.
3. Effective communicator
- Developed interpersonal skills
- Able to comprehend and compose effectively in oral, written and multimedia contexts.
- Interacts effectively in social situations.
4. Creative, critical thinker
- Able to think divergently
- Analytical, discerning, differentiating thinker.
- Innovative and creative approach to developing solutions.
5. Happy, confident, self-managed individual
- High self esteem and highly developed self –awareness
- Optimistic, positive attitude to life
- Chooses effective, appropriate behaviours
- Self directed
6. Socially responsible citizen
- Balances rights with responsibilities
- Caring of others, forms quality relationships
- Appreciative and tolerant of diversity in society
- Contributes for the common good
- Aware of social expectations and responsibilities
7. Environmentally responsible citizen
- Aware of local and global environmental issues
- Proactive, seeks to maintain, protect and enhance the environment
- Understands and promotes effective relationships between humans and the environment.
Our vision, what we want for our learners, gives clear direction to our practices. We continually reflect on our practices by asking the question 'Is what we're doing getting us what we want? We want to help our kids be happy, successful children and to become happy, successful adults.