Our school community proudly enacts a positive, proactive and expectant approach to the management of behaviour for all learners. High standards and clear expectations of learner behaviour and outcomes are widely communicated and rigorously actioned. There is a strong commitment by all staff to a school wide approach to managing student behaviour and the development of a culture that enhances learning.
Our philosophical base to managing student behaviour is grounded in Dr William Glasser’s international research about Choice Theory, Reality Therapy and Lead Management. Our practice is built around high expectations, core values and a commitment to quality in all that we do. This philosophy is systematically implemented across all areas of the school.
All staff are formally trained in our philosophy and there is an ongoing professional commitment by school leaders to implement and foster a school wide, self reflective culture, focused on individual learner engagement.
We recognises the reciprocal relationship between academic success and social behaviour. Our approach underpinned by the belief that learners develop self management through being guided through reflective processes. Our daily interactions work towards learners achieving the goals of the Sunshine 7.

We explicitly teach learners the principles of self management founded on Glasser research and understandings’. It is our belief that by consistently implementing this evidence based whole school approach that individual, social behaviour and student performance is enhanced.
Our learning and social outcomes are testament to the fact that Sunshine is a ‘Good Place to be.’ Learners at Sunshine benefit from the positive impact of a team approach with the school staff, parents and community working together in the application of our research based understandings.