At Sunshine Beach teachers collaboratively plan, teach, assess and report on learners’ achievement using the Australian Curriculum. Our curriculum framework is organised into whole school, year level and unit plans.
Our teachers work collaboratively and access the expertise of school leaders and knowledgeable others to plan and implement quality units of work which are responsive to learners’ needs, learning goals and content and year level achievement standards as defined by the Australian Curriculum.
We pride ourselves on ‘high quality teaching focused on the achievement of every student’.
The school leadership team undertake instructional learning walks and talks in all classrooms.
Some of the features of our educational instruction which you will see implemented in your child’s classroom include:
- High expectations
- Higher order thinking
- Feedback
- Learning walls
- Bump it up walls
- Kagan co-operative structures
- Learning goals
- Excellence and Challenge Programs
- Safe inclusive, learning environment
- Explicit teaching of behaviour and positive choices for wellbeing
Intervention programs including Minilit and Robust Vocabulary instruction are implemented for focus learners.
These along with many other aspects of curriculum design and delivery make Sunshine a ‘Good Place To Be.’