


​​​​​​​Parent and Citizens’ Association (P&C)

Have you been wondering what a P&C Association actually does? Are you new to the school and would like to meet other parents? Do you want to get involved more with the school but aren't sure what you can do? If you answered yes to these questions then you should consider becoming a P&C member by coming along to a General Meeting, held twice a term at the school. For upcoming dates please check our calendar. Meetings are held on a Wednesday evening, to allow as many parents as possible to attend.

Being a P&C member is a great way to keep informed and gain a clear understanding of how our school operates, to contribute to the quality education of your children and to make new friends. Your contribution can be as large or small as you can manage, but your ongoing support of the P&C Association is invaluable. This is a great opportunity to share in the school’s decision-making process and help shape its future.

Like the SBSS school Facebook page to keep informed about the latest P&C news and events.      

Functions of our P&C

The primary functions of the P&C are to:
  • foster general community interest in educational issues

  • provide advice and recommendations to the Principal and staff on issues which affect learners and the general operation of the school

  • provide financial and other resources through annual fundraising activities with the aim of developing an optimum learning environment for each child

  • manage the daily operation of the school tuckshop which is run by two tuckshop convenors and a group of volunteers. 

The P&C Executive

The following parents were elected to the 2020 P&C Executive:​ 

President – Steve Hunter

Secretary – Lauren Rovers

Treasurer – Sally Imber

If you would like to get in touch with any of the executive directly please email

​​Become a P&C member

If you are interested in becoming a member of the P&C please complete the membership form online or complete and return form to office (PDF 197kb). Prior meeting agenda can be found: Minutes while meetings agendas: Agendas

Volunteer in the Tuckshop

If you are interested in volunteering in the Tuckshop, or in becoming a member of the Tuckshop Sub-Committee, please complete the tuckshop volunteer registration form (PDF 127KB) or register online. Contact secretary at for more information.

P&Cs Qld

P&Cs Qld is the peak body supporting and representing more than 576,000 state school parents and wider school communities throughout Queensland. They support the achievement of quality educational outcomes for students through fostering parental and community engagement in a thriving and successful education system. Through their state-wide network of over 1200 P&C Associations and School Councils, they have the localised presence and voice to lead and enact change.

Parent Talk magazine is a parent focused publication and published on a quarterly basis. It is circulated throughout Queensland state schools and P&Cs as a resource to provide parents and school communities with regular news and information on a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education. Research confirms that where parents and community are engaged in their children’s education the outcomes vastly increase. Help us ensure Every Child has Every Chance to a successful education.  All editions of Parent Talk can be viewed here - P&Cs Qld Parent Talk Publication. 
Last reviewed 06 December 2024
Last updated 06 December 2024